A conference titled "Commemoration of Yunus Emre on the 703rd Anniversary of His Death and Yunus Love Album" will be held by the Traditional Turkish Handicrafts Research and Application Center within the scope of "Yunus Emre Culture and Art Week". This conference will be held under the moderation of Assoc. Prof. Elvan Karakoç, Ph.D. with the addition of Prof. Mehmet Efe,Ph.D. one of the important violin educators who is a faculty member of Gazi University, Gazi Education Faculty, Fine Arts Music Education Department, Music Education Main Art Branch, and Gazi Youth Chamber Orchestra Conductor, and who arranges the album orchestras. The purpose of this conference is to commemorate Yunus Emre, one of the important values of our Turkish-Islamic cultural historical heritage, with respect and love, on the 703rd anniversary of his death, with the songs of the "Yunus Love Album" created by composing and orchestrating Yunus Emres poems. “Yunus Love Album” was created in 2022 by the valuable composer Göksel Baktagir, by composing 12 of the most special poems of our right-loving esteemed Yunus Emre on the journey of divine love, and with the orchestra arrangement by Prof. Mehmet Efe, Ph.D. and Serkan Sönmez. It was also published as a book by Music Education Publications in 2023 under the name "Yunus and Love - Yunus Emre Oratorio".
Link to participate in the conference: